Our mission is to serve the poor and needy within our parishes and community area with material aid, encouragement and spiritual support.
Our inspiration is Christ’s message: “Whatever you do for the least of my brethren you do for me.”
We help those in need by:
- Person-to-person contact through home visits or meeting at a Church Conference
- Operating food pantries and a thrift store that provide donations to the needy*
- Providing information about available private and government support services
- Listening and comforting the needy through prayer and encouragement
*Funds are paid directly to the service provider
How do we find those in need?
Calls are received directly or by referrals from friends, parishioners, and Social Service Agencies. The name and circumstances are kept in strictest confidence.
Service Opportunities
- Assisting at a conference pantry
- Volunteering
- Visiting the needy
- Assisting with special projects