“… as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.” Matthew 25:40
The Society was founded in Paris by Frederic Ozanam and his friends in 1833, to bring God’s love to the poor. Vincentians perform works of charity, in the footsteps of Frederic. Learn about the Society! This Orientation is a must for new member and encouraged every 3 years for Veteran members. We will discuss our Founders; the structure & works of the Society, our local works & activities; and Home Visits (the hallmark of the Society). We will share experiences; answer your questions; and grow in holiness together. All materials and lunch are provided. Inquiring minds are welcome!
Date: August 24, 2024
Time: 8:45AM to 3:00PM
Location: St. John the Evangelist (1001 Encinitas Boulevard, Encinitas, CA 92024)
Please RSVP by August 15, 2024 @ svdpsddiocese@gmail.com with name & contact for each attendee
8:00 AM Mass (Optional) • 8:45 Coffee & Check-in • 9:00 presentation