What is Famvin

A network of people, supported and connected by websites, including this one, for news, reference materials, formation materials and a variety of social networks. The Vincentian Family — connecting, collaborating and evangelizing: a living, growing community of more than 2 million people seeking to follow Christ, the evangelizer of the poor in the model presented… Read more »

Vincentian Formation Midyear Retreat 2017

Celebrating the 400th Anniversary of the Vincentian Charism – Fr. Tom McKenna, CM (PowerPoint and Audio) You can watch the PowerPoint and listen to the presentation posted on the web:  www.svdpusa.org (click on members, go to programs/tools and choose programs, go over to and click on Vincentian Formation, scroll down to Retreats and click “Celebrating the… Read more »

Voice of the Poor Webinar THURSDAY 4/20

Does your council or conference have a seat at the table where major decisions on transportation, childcare and education, and jobs are made?  Who are the people and institutions shaping critical decisions that impact families in your community? Community organizing is a process that is not foreign to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul…. Read more »

Harley Noel & Hawkes Home Residents

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul San Rafael Conference (in Rancho Bernardo) is hosting an evening with Harley Noel, who will discuss Hawkes Home, a sober-living facility for men after incarceration. Hawkes Home currently houses about 12 men who receive support and assistance to get back into society. The men have courage, strength, and… Read more »

2017 SVDP Mid-Year Meeting

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul was founded in the United States at the “Old” Cathedral St. Louis, Missouri, November 20, 1945.  So it seemed fitting that 185 Vincentians who gathered for the 2017 Annual Mid-Year meeting should attend Mass celebrated by Fr. Cormack, CM, at the Cathedral followed by an Annual Commitment Ceremony… Read more »

SVDP Resource for 2017 – Year Dedicated to Bailly

In his first Circular Letter as President General of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Renato Lima de Oliveira announced that 2017 is the “Year Dedicated to Bailly.” Emmanuel Joseph Bailly was the first president of the SVDP. This memorable man created the appropriate conditions for a group of young people to organize and create… Read more »

2017 Western Region Meeting and Workshops

This years Western Region Meeting will be held in Portland Oregon, May 25-27, 2017 at the Red Lion Hotel on the River. Workshops include: Ozanam Orientation (Spanish & English) A visit with St. Louise de Marillac Assisting the Homeless: Chronic and Families Prison Ministry/Re-entry System Change/VOP Fundamentals of Vincentian Life Thinking Out of the Box… Read more »

Invitation for Renewal – New Location

Seton Cove is being torn down so a new location had to be found. The Pallottine Renewal Center http://www.pallottinerenewal.org Located in St. Louis, Missouri, about 20 minutes from the airport, promises to accommodate the Invitation for Renewal program very well. Pallottine was already booked for the July dates that we had planned at Seton Cove,… Read more »