National Spiritual Advisor, Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Take heart, Vincentians! A message is waiting for you from our National Spiritual Advisor, Bishop Donald Hying. His words provide inspiration for each of us.
In these difficult and uncertain times, many Conferences are at a loss on how to proceed with services as usual. View the message here:
Some thoughts from one of our Conference spiritual advisors:
The services we can provide are now restricted, and this has become our new “poverty”. Now we must find new and creative ways to live out our mission: to glorify God and grow in holiness, in service to those in need. We will learn to do this without the face-to-face contact that has been the hallmark of our Society.
Questions to ask ourselves:
- What can I do today to establish new ways to connect with other human beings?
- Is it time for me to pause and take a look at the “poverty” in my own life?
- Can I spend more time each day to grow closer to my loving God who is waiting to hear my voice?
- Will I listen and act on His suggestion to try a creative new approach to those in need?
This may be a turning point for our entire society as we are transformed. Love is calling us once again to our mission. Will we allow the flame to burn brighter?