Bishop Hying, the National Episcopal Advisor for SVDP, was the keynote speaker at the 2018 National Assembly, held in San Diego.
He spoke about Paul’s writings, Philippians 2:5-11, known as the Kenosis Hymn and how it reflects the life of Christ, how it reflects the life of Vincent and how it is a road map for us in living out our Vincentian spirituality
The 3 movements contained in it are:
The Movement of the Incarnation – Visibility, Availability, Vulnerability
The Movement of the Crucification – Courage to enter into the dark night, the mystery Compassion & the meaning of Sacrifice
The Glorification – Bold Courage, Hope, Joy
These movements as Vincentians allows us to step into the most difficult of situations and find God there.
The following link can be used to hear his very inspiring talk.