Our San Diego St. Vincent de Paul Society is an active participant on Team 6: Shelters, temporary & Long Range Housing, Day Centers of the East County Task Force Project Group.
Team 6 believes that it is necessary to implement a continuum of temporary through long term shelter and meal solutions where homeless individuals and families also have access to resources and services. Shelter and service options currently available are not adequate.
During the past several months this teams focus has been on Day Shelters, Meal Programs, Safe Parking, Emergency and/or Transitional Housing, Seasonal Rotational Shelters, and Rooms for Rent.
The team members consist of pastors from local churches, organizations involved in community service programs and individuals who are interested in finding solutions to the existing homeless concerns in East County.
To learn more about this project or provide help go to http://eastcountychamber.org/san-diego-business/homeless-task-force/