On July 1st 3500 Catholic leaders which included Cardinals, Arch Bishops, Bishops, Priest, Religious, Deacons and lay Catholic leaders gathered in Orlando, Florida for 4 days of spiritual reflection on the “Joy of the Gospel” in America .
We were offered many opportunities to learn and understand how to be Missionary Disciples through keynote speakers. We attended several breakout sessions that consisted of sharing knowledge and experiences.
A Convocation like this would not be possible without the presence of Christ among us. Through many religious exercises, (Masses, a Marian Adoration, Eucharistic procession and more) we were drawn to a closer relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. We were reminded repeatedly to see the face of Christ in others.
This Convocation was organized for Catholic leaders across the United States but it spoke clearly to us as Vincentians and our call to see the face of Christ in those we serve. Through the “Joy of the Gospel” we are asked to go to the peripheries to serve, places we don’t like to go. We are called to do more.
The USCCB recorded all of the key note speakers, the services and the breakout sessions for those who were unable to attend. You can use this link to view these recordings.
It was a true blessing to be invited to attend this monumental event.